Source code for djangochannelsrestframework.consumers

import asyncio
import json
import typing
from functools import partial
from typing import Dict, List, Type

from channels.consumer import AsyncConsumer
from channels.db import database_sync_to_async
from channels.generic.websocket import AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer
from djangochannelsrestframework.permissions import BasePermission
from djangochannelsrestframework.settings import api_settings
from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse
from django.http.response import Http404
from django.template.response import SimpleTemplateResponse
from rest_framework.exceptions import PermissionDenied, MethodNotAllowed, APIException
from rest_framework.response import Response

[docs]class APIConsumerMetaclass(type): """ Metaclass that records action methods """ def __new__(mcs, name, bases, body): cls = type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, body) cls.available_actions = {} for method_name in dir(cls): attr = getattr(cls, method_name) is_action = getattr(attr, "action", False) if is_action: kwargs = getattr(attr, "kwargs", {}) name = kwargs.get("name", method_name) cls.available_actions[name] = method_name return cls
def ensure_async(method: typing.Callable): if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method): return method return database_sync_to_async(method)
[docs]class AsyncAPIConsumer(AsyncJsonWebsocketConsumer, metaclass=APIConsumerMetaclass): """ Be very inspired by django rest framework ViewSets """ # use django rest framework permissions # The following policies may be set at either globally, or per-view. # take the default values set for django rest framework! permission_classes = ( api_settings.DEFAULT_PERMISSION_CLASSES ) # type: List[Type[BasePermission]] groups = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.groups = set(self.groups or []) async def add_group(self, name: str): if not isinstance(self.groups, set): self.groups = set(self.groups) if name not in self.groups: await self.channel_layer.group_add(name, self.channel_name) self.groups.add(name) async def remove_group(self, name: str): if not isinstance(self.groups, set): self.groups = set(self.groups) if name in self.groups: await self.channel_layer.group_discard(name, self.channel_name) self.groups.remove(name)
[docs] async def get_permissions(self, action: str, **kwargs): """ Instantiates and returns the list of permissions that this view requires. """ return [permission() for permission in self.permission_classes]
[docs] async def check_permissions(self, action: str, **kwargs): """ Check if the action should be permitted. Raises an appropriate exception if the request is not permitted. """ for permission in await self.get_permissions(action=action, **kwargs): if not await ensure_async(permission.has_permission)( scope=self.scope, consumer=self, action=action, **kwargs ): raise PermissionDenied()
[docs] async def handle_exception(self, exc: Exception, action: str, request_id): """ Handle any exception that occurs, by sending an appropriate message """ if isinstance(exc, APIException): await self.reply( action=action, errors=self._format_errors(exc.detail), status=exc.status_code, request_id=request_id, ) elif exc == Http404 or isinstance(exc, Http404): await self.reply( action=action, errors=self._format_errors("Not found"), status=404, request_id=request_id, ) else: raise exc
def _format_errors(self, errors): if isinstance(errors, list): return errors elif isinstance(errors, str): return [errors] elif isinstance(errors, dict): return [errors]
[docs] async def handle_action(self, action: str, request_id: str, **kwargs): """ run the action. """ try: await self.check_permissions(action, **kwargs) if action not in self.available_actions: raise MethodNotAllowed(method=action) method_name = self.available_actions[action] method = getattr(self, method_name) reply = partial(self.reply, action=action, request_id=request_id) # the @action decorator will wrap non-async action into async ones. response = await method(request_id=request_id, action=action, **kwargs) if isinstance(response, tuple): data, status = response await reply(data=data, status=status) except Exception as exc: await self.handle_exception(exc, action=action, request_id=request_id)
[docs] async def receive_json(self, content: typing.Dict, **kwargs): """ Called with decoded JSON content. """ # TODO assert format, if does not match return message. request_id = content.pop("request_id") action = content.pop("action") await self.handle_action(action, request_id=request_id, **content)
async def reply( self, action: str, data=None, errors=None, status=200, request_id=None ): if errors is None: errors = [] payload = { "errors": errors, "data": data, "action": action, "response_status": status, "request_id": request_id, } await self.send_json(payload)
[docs]class DjangoViewAsConsumer(AsyncAPIConsumer): view = None @property def dumpy_url_config(self): return # maps actions to HTTP methods actions = {} # type: Dict[str, str]
[docs] async def receive_json(self, content: typing.Dict, **kwargs): """ Called with decoded JSON content. """ # TODO assert format, if does not match return message. request_id = content.pop("request_id") action = content.pop("action") await self.handle_action(action, request_id=request_id, **content)
[docs] async def handle_action(self, action: str, request_id: str, **kwargs): """ run the action. """ try: await self.check_permissions(action, **kwargs) if action not in self.actions: raise MethodNotAllowed(method=action) content, status = await self.call_view(action=action, **kwargs) await self.reply( action=action, request_id=request_id, data=content, status=status ) except Exception as exc: await self.handle_exception(exc, action=action, request_id=request_id)
@database_sync_to_async def call_view(self, action: str, **kwargs): request = HttpRequest() request.path = self.scope.get("path") request.session = self.scope.get("session", None) request.META["HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE"] = "application/json" request.META["HTTP_ACCEPT"] = "application/json" for (header_name, value) in self.scope.get("headers", []): request.META[header_name.decode("utf-8")] = value.decode("utf-8") args, view_kwargs = self.get_view_args(action=action, **kwargs) request.method = self.actions[action] request.POST = json.dumps(kwargs.get("data", {})) if self.scope.get("cookies"): request.COOKIES = self.scope.get("cookies") view = getattr(self.__class__, "view") response = view(request, *args, **view_kwargs) status = response.status_code if isinstance(response, Response): data = try: # check if we can json encode it! # there must be a better way fo doing this? json.dumps(data) return data, status except Exception as e: pass if isinstance(response, SimpleTemplateResponse): response.render() response_content = response.content if isinstance(response_content, bytes): try: response_content = response_content.decode("utf-8") except Exception as e: response_content = response_content.hex() return response_content, status def get_view_args(self, action: str, **kwargs): return [], {}
[docs]def view_as_consumer( wrapped_view: typing.Callable[[HttpRequest], HttpResponse], mapped_actions: typing.Optional[typing.Dict[str, str]] = None, ) -> DjangoViewAsConsumer: """ Wrap a django View so that it will be triggered by actions over this json websocket consumer. """ if mapped_actions is None: mapped_actions = { "create": "PUT", "update": "PATCH", "list": "GET", "retrieve": "GET", } class DjangoViewWrapper(DjangoViewAsConsumer): view = wrapped_view actions = mapped_actions return DjangoViewWrapper()