Source code for djangochannelsrestframework.mixins

from typing import Any, Tuple, Dict, Optional, OrderedDict, Union
from import Action
from rest_framework.utils.serializer_helpers import ReturnDict, ReturnList
from rest_framework import status
from rest_framework.utils.serializer_helpers import ReturnDict, ReturnList

from .decorators import action
from djangochannelsrestframework.settings import api_settings

[docs]class CreateModelMixin: """ Create model mixin."""
[docs] @action() def create(self, data: dict, **kwargs) -> Tuple[ReturnDict, int]: """Create action. Args: data: model data to create. Returns: Tuple with the serializer data and the status code. Examples: .. code-block:: python #! from .models import User from .serializers import UserSerializer from djangochannelsrestframework import permissions from djangochannelsrestframework.generics import GenericAsyncAPIConsumer from djangochannelsrestframework.mixins import CreateModelMixin class LiveConsumer(CreateModelMixin, GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,) .. code-block:: python #! from django.urls import re_path from .consumers import LiveConsumer websocket_urlpatterns = [ re_path(r'^ws/$', LiveConsumer.as_asgi()), ] .. code-block:: javascript // html const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/ws/") ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "create", request_id: new Date().getTime(), data: { username: "test", password1: "testpassword123", password2: "testpassword123", } })) /* The response will be something like this. { "action": "create", "errors": [], "response_status": 201, "request_id": 150060530, "data": {'username': 'test', 'id': 42,}, } */ """ serializer = self.get_serializer(data=data, action_kwargs=kwargs) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) self.perform_create(serializer, **kwargs) return, status.HTTP_201_CREATED
def perform_create(self, serializer, **kwargs):
[docs]class ListModelMixin: """List model mixin"""
[docs] @action() def list(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[ReturnList, int]: """List action. Returns: Tuple with the list of serializer data and the status code. Examples: .. code-block:: python #! from .models import User from .serializers import UserSerializer from djangochannelsrestframework import permissions from djangochannelsrestframework.generics import GenericAsyncAPIConsumer from djangochannelsrestframework.mixins import ListModelMixin class LiveConsumer(ListModelMixin, GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,) .. code-block:: python #! from django.urls import re_path from .consumers import LiveConsumer websocket_urlpatterns = [ re_path(r'^ws/$', LiveConsumer.as_asgi()), ] .. code-block:: javascript // html const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/ws/") ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "list", request_id: new Date().getTime(), })) /* The response will be something like this. { "action": "list", "errors": [], "response_status": 200, "request_id": 1500000, "data": [ {"email": "", "id": 1, "username": "test1"}, {"email": "", "id": 2, "username": "test2"}, ], } */ """ queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset(**kwargs), **kwargs) serializer = self.get_serializer( instance=queryset, many=True, action_kwargs=kwargs ) return, status.HTTP_200_OK
[docs]class RetrieveModelMixin: """Retrieve model mixin"""
[docs] @action() def retrieve(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[ReturnDict, int]: """Retrieve action. Returns: Tuple with the serializer data and the status code. Examples: .. code-block:: python #! from .models import User from .serializers import UserSerializer from djangochannelsrestframework import permissions from djangochannelsrestframework.generics import GenericAsyncAPIConsumer from djangochannelsrestframework.mixins import RetrieveModelMixin class LiveConsumer(RetrieveModelMixin, GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,) .. code-block:: python #! from django.urls import re_path from .consumers import LiveConsumer websocket_urlpatterns = [ re_path(r'^ws/$', LiveConsumer.as_asgi()), ] .. code-block:: javascript // html const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/ws/") ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "retrieve", request_id: new Date().getTime(), pk: 1, })) /* The response will be something like this. { "action": "retrieve", "errors": [], "response_status": 200, "request_id": 1500000, "data": {"email": "", "id": 1, "username": "test1"}, } */ """ instance = self.get_object(**kwargs) serializer = self.get_serializer(instance=instance, action_kwargs=kwargs) return, status.HTTP_200_OK
[docs]class UpdateModelMixin: """Update model mixin"""
[docs] @action() def update(self, data: dict, **kwargs) -> Tuple[ReturnDict, int]: """Retrieve action. Returns: Tuple with the serializer data and the status code. Examples: .. code-block:: python #! from .models import User from .serializers import UserSerializer from djangochannelsrestframework import permissions from djangochannelsrestframework.generics import GenericAsyncAPIConsumer from djangochannelsrestframework.mixins import UpdateModelMixin class LiveConsumer(UpdateModelMixin, GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,) .. code-block:: python #! from django.urls import re_path from .consumers import LiveConsumer websocket_urlpatterns = [ re_path(r'^ws/$', LiveConsumer.as_asgi()), ] .. code-block:: javascript // html const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/ws/") ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "update", request_id: new Date().getTime(), pk: 1, data: { username: "test edited", }, })) /* The response will be something like this. { "action": "update", "errors": [], "response_status": 200, "request_id": 1500000, "data": {"email": "", "id": 1, "username": "test edited"}, } */ """ instance = self.get_object(data=data, **kwargs) serializer = self.get_serializer( instance=instance, data=data, action_kwargs=kwargs, partial=False ) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) self.perform_update(serializer, **kwargs) if getattr(instance, "_prefetched_objects_cache", None): # If 'prefetch_related' has been applied to a queryset, we need to # forcibly invalidate the prefetch cache on the instance. instance._prefetched_objects_cache = {} return, status.HTTP_200_OK
def perform_update(self, serializer, **kwargs):
[docs]class PatchModelMixin: """Patch model mixin"""
[docs] @action() def patch(self, data: dict, **kwargs) -> Tuple[ReturnDict, int]: """Patch action. Returns: Tuple with the serializer data and the status code. Examples: .. code-block:: python #! from .models import User from .serializers import UserSerializer from djangochannelsrestframework import permissions from djangochannelsrestframework.generics import GenericAsyncAPIConsumer from djangochannelsrestframework.mixins import PatchModelMixin class LiveConsumer(PatchModelMixin, GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,) .. code-block:: python #! from django.urls import re_path from .consumers import LiveConsumer websocket_urlpatterns = [ re_path(r'^ws/$', LiveConsumer.as_asgi()), ] .. code-block:: javascript // html const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/ws/") ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "patch", request_id: new Date().getTime(), pk: 1, data: { email: "", }, })) /* The response will be something like this. { "action": "patch", "errors": [], "response_status": 200, "request_id": 150000, "data": {"email": "", "id": 1, "username": "test1"}, } */ """ instance = self.get_object(data=data, **kwargs) serializer = self.get_serializer( instance=instance, data=data, action_kwargs=kwargs, partial=True ) serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) self.perform_patch(serializer, **kwargs) if getattr(instance, "_prefetched_objects_cache", None): # If 'prefetch_related' has been applied to a queryset, we need to # forcibly invalidate the prefetch cache on the instance. instance._prefetched_objects_cache = {} return, status.HTTP_200_OK
def perform_patch(self, serializer, **kwargs):
[docs]class DeleteModelMixin: """Delete model mixin"""
[docs] @action() def delete(self, **kwargs) -> Tuple[None, int]: """Retrieve action. Returns: Tuple with the serializer data and the status code. Examples: .. code-block:: python #! from .models import User from .serializers import UserSerializer from djangochannelsrestframework import permissions from djangochannelsrestframework.generics import GenericAsyncAPIConsumer from djangochannelsrestframework.mixins import DeleteModelMixin class LiveConsumer(DeleteModelMixin, GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer permission_classes = (permissions.AllowAny,) .. code-block:: python #! from django.urls import re_path from .consumers import LiveConsumer websocket_urlpatterns = [ re_path(r'^ws/$', LiveConsumer.as_asgi()), ] .. code-block:: javascript // html const ws = new WebSocket("ws://localhost:8000/ws/") ws.send(JSON.stringify({ action: "delete", request_id: new Date().getTime(), pk: 1, })) /* The response will be something like this. { "action": "delete", "errors": [], "response_status": 204, "request_id": 150000, "data": null, } */ """ instance = self.get_object(**kwargs) self.perform_delete(instance, **kwargs) return None, status.HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT
def perform_delete(self, instance, **kwargs): instance.delete()
[docs]class PaginatedModelListMixin(ListModelMixin): pagination_class = api_settings.DEFAULT_PAGINATION_CLASS
[docs] @action() def list(self, **kwargs): queryset = self.filter_queryset(self.get_queryset(**kwargs), **kwargs) page = self.paginate_queryset(queryset, **kwargs) if page is not None: serializer = self.get_serializer( instance=page, many=True, action_kwargs=kwargs ) return self.get_paginated_response(, status.HTTP_200_OK serializer = self.get_serializer( instance=queryset, many=True, action_kwargs=kwargs ) return, status.HTTP_200_OK
@property def paginator(self) -> Optional[any]: """Gets the paginator class Returns: Pagination class. Optional. """ if not hasattr(self, "_paginator"): if self.pagination_class is None: self._paginator = None else: self._paginator = self.pagination_class() return self._paginator def paginate_queryset(self, queryset, **kwargs: Dict) -> Optional[Any]: if self.paginator is None: return None return self.paginator.paginate_queryset( queryset, self.scope, view=self, **kwargs ) def get_paginated_response( self, data: Union[ReturnDict, ReturnList] ) -> OrderedDict: assert self.paginator is not None return self.paginator.get_paginated_response(data)
[docs]class StreamedPaginatedListMixin(PaginatedModelListMixin):
[docs] @action() async def list(self, action, request_id, **kwargs): data, status = await super().list( action=action, request_id=request_id, **kwargs ) await self.reply(action=action, data=data, status=status, request_id=request_id) count = data.get("count", 0) limit = data.get("limit", 0) offset = data.get("offset", 0) if offset < (count - limit): kwargs["offset"] = limit + offset await self.list(action=action, request_id=request_id, **kwargs)