Source code for

import hashlib
from collections import defaultdict
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, Callable, Iterable, Optional

from djangochannelsrestframework.consumers import AsyncAPIConsumer
from import ObjPartial

[docs]class BaseObserver: """ This is the Base Observer class that `Observer` and `ModelObserver` inherit from. The decorators `@model_observer` and `@observer` replaced the wrapped method with an instance of these classes. You can then access the methods of this class using the method name that you wrapped. """ def __init__(self, func, partition: str = "*"): self.func = func self._serializer = None self._group_names_for_signal = None self._group_names_for_consumer = None self._stable_observer_id = ( f"{partition}-" f"{self.__class__.__name__}-" f"{self.func.__module__}." f"{self.func.__name__}" ) async def __call__( self, message, consumer: Optional[AsyncAPIConsumer] = None, **kwargs ): message = deepcopy(message) message_body = message.pop("body", {}) message_type = message.pop("type") group = message.get("group") if consumer is not None: requests = consumer._observer_group_to_request_id[self._stable_observer_id][ group ] return await self.func( consumer, message_body, observer=self, message_type=message_type, subscribing_request_ids=list(requests), **message, **kwargs, ) return await self.func( consumer, message_body, observer=self, message_type=message_type, subscribing_request_ids=[], **message, **kwargs, ) def __get__(self, parent, objtype): if parent is None: return self return ObjPartial(self, consumer=parent) def serialize(self, signal, *args, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]: message_body = {} if self._serializer: message_body = self._serializer(self, signal, *args, **kwargs) message = dict(type=self.func.__name__.replace("_", "."), body=message_body) return message
[docs] def serializer(self, func): """ .. note:: Should be used as a method decorator eg: `@observed_handler.serializer` The method that this wraps is evaluated just after the observer is triggered before the result is sent over the channel layer. That means you **DO NOT** have access to user or other request information. The result of this method is what is sent over the channel layer. If you need to modify that with user specific information then you need to do that in the observer handler method. .. code-block:: python class MyConsumer(GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer @model_observer(Comments) async def comment_activity(self, message, observer=None, subscribing_request_ids=[], **kwargs): ... @comment_activity.serializer def comment_activity(self, instance: Comment, action, **kwargs): return CommentSerializer(instance).data The advantage of doing serialization at this point is that it happens only once even if 1000s of consumers are subscribed to the event. """ self._serializer = func return self
[docs] async def subscribe( self, consumer: AsyncAPIConsumer, *args, request_id=None, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[str]: """ This should be called to subscribe the current consumer. args and kwargs passed here are provided to the :meth:`groups_for_consumer` method to enable custom partitioning of events. If the request_id is passed to the subscribe method then the observer will track that request id and provide it to the handling method when an event happens. .. code-block:: python class MyConsumer(GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer @model_observer(Comments) async def comment_activity(self, message, observer=None, subscribing_request_ids=[], **kwargs): ... @action() async def subscribe_to_comment_activity(self, request_id, **kwargs): await self.comment_activity.subscribe(request_id=request_id) """ groups = list(self.group_names_for_consumer(*args, consumer=consumer, **kwargs)) for group_name in groups: # add request id to mapping if request_id is not None: consumer._observer_group_to_request_id[self._stable_observer_id][ group_name ].add(request_id) await consumer.add_group(group_name) return groups
[docs] async def unsubscribe( self, consumer: AsyncAPIConsumer, *args, request_id=None, **kwargs ) -> Iterable[str]: """ This should be called to unsubscribe the current consumer. args and kwargs passed here are provided to the :meth:`groups_for_consumer` method to enable custom partitioning of events. If the request_id is passed to the un-subscribe method then this will un-subscribe the requests with the same id that called the :meth:`subscribe` method. If no `request_id` is provided then all subscribed requests for this consumer are un-subscribed. .. code-block:: python class MyConsumer(GenericAsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer @model_observer(Comments) async def comment_activity(self, message, observer=None, subscribing_request_ids=[], **kwargs): ... @action() async def unsubscribe_to_comment_activity(self, request_id, **kwargs): await self.comment_activity.unsubscribe(request_id=request_id) """ groups = list(self.group_names_for_consumer(*args, consumer=consumer, **kwargs)) for group_name in groups: # remove group to request mappings if ( group_name in consumer._observer_group_to_request_id[self._stable_observer_id] ): # unsubscribe all requests to this group if request_id is None: consumer._observer_group_to_request_id[ self._stable_observer_id ].pop(group_name) else: consumer._observer_group_to_request_id[self._stable_observer_id][ group_name ].remove(request_id) if ( len( consumer._observer_group_to_request_id[self._stable_observer_id][ group_name ] ) > 0 ): await consumer.remove_group(group_name) return groups
def group_names_for_consumer( self, consumer: AsyncAPIConsumer, *args, **kwargs ) -> Generator[str, None, None]: if self._group_names_for_consumer: for group in self._group_names_for_consumer( self, *args, consumer=consumer, **kwargs ): yield self.clean_group_name( "{}-{}".format(self._stable_observer_id, group) ) return for group in self.group_names(*args, **kwargs): yield self.clean_group_name(group) def group_names_for_signal(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Generator[str, None, None]: if self._group_names_for_signal: for group in self._group_names_for_signal(self, *args, **kwargs): yield self.clean_group_name( "{}-{}".format(self._stable_observer_id, group) ) return for group in self.group_names(*args, **kwargs): yield self.clean_group_name(group) def group_names(self, *args, **kwargs): raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def groups_for_consumer( self, func: Callable[["BaseObserver", AsyncAPIConsumer], Generator[str, None, None]], ): """ .. note:: Should be used as a method decorator eg: `@observed_handler.groups_for_consumer` The decorated method is used when :meth:`subscribe` and :meth:`unsubscribe` are called to enumerate the corresponding groups to un/subscribe to. The `args` and `kwargs` providing to :meth:`subscribe` and :meth:`unsubscribe` are passed here to enable this. .. code-block:: python @classroom_change_handler.groups_for_consumer def classroom_change_handler(self, school=None, classroom=None, **kwargs): # This is called when you subscribe/unsubscribe if school is not None: yield f'-school__{}' if classroom is not None: yield f'-pk__{}' @action() async def subscribe_to_classrooms_in_school(self, school_pk, request_id, **kwargs): # check user has permission to do this await self.classroom_change_handler.subscribe(school=school, request_id=request_id) @action() async def subscribe_to_classroom(self, classroom_pk, request_id, **kwargs): # check user has permission to do this await self.classroom_change_handler.subscribe(classroom=classroom, request_id=request_id) It is important that a corresponding :meth:`groups_for_signal` method is provided that enumerates the groups that each event is sent to. """ self._group_names_for_consumer = func return self
[docs] def groups_for_signal(self, func: Callable[..., Generator[str, None, None]]): """ .. note:: Should be used as a method decorator eg: `@observed_handler.groups_for_signal` The decorated method is used whenever an event happens that the observer is observing (even if nothing is subscribed). The role of this method is to enumerate the groups that the event should be sent over. .. code-block:: python @classroom_change_handler.groups_for_signal def classroom_change_handler(self, instance: models.Classroom, **kwargs): yield f'-school__{instance.school_id}' yield f'-pk__{}' It is important that a corresponding :meth:`groups_for_consumer` method is provided to enable the consumers to correctly select which groups to subscribe to. """ self._group_names_for_signal = func return self
def groups(self, func): self._group_names_for_consumer = func self._group_names_for_signal = func return self def clean_group_name(self, name): # Some chanel layers have a max group name length. return f"DCRF-{hashlib.sha256(name.encode()).hexdigest()}"