Source code for djangochannelsrestframework.decorators

import asyncio
from functools import wraps
from typing import Optional

from channels.db import database_sync_to_async
from django.conf import settings
from django.db import transaction

from djangochannelsrestframework.consumers import AsyncAPIConsumer

[docs]def action(atomic: Optional[bool] = None, **kwargs): """ Mark a method as an action. .. note:: Should be used as a method decorator eg: `@action()` It can be used on both `async` and `sync` methods. .. code-block:: python from djangochannelsrestframework.decorators import action class MyConsumer(AsyncAPIConsumer): queryset = User.objects.all() serializer_class = UserSerializer @action() async def delete_user(self, request_id, user_pk, **kwargs): ... Methods decorated with `@action()` will be called when a json message arrives from the client with a matching `action` name. The default way of sending a message to call an action is: .. code-block:: javascript { action: "delete_user", request_id: 42, user_pk: 82 } You can alter how :class:`AsyncAPIConsumer` matches the action using the :meth:`get_action_name` method. When using on `sync` methods you can provide an additional option `atomic=True` to forcefully wrap the method in a transaction. The default value for atomic is determined by django's default db `ATOMIC_REQUESTS` setting. """ def decorator(func): _atomic = False if atomic is not None: _atomic = atomic func.action = True func.kwargs = kwargs if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(func): if _atomic: raise ValueError("Only synchronous actions can be atomic") return func # Read out default atomic state from DB connection if atomic is None: databases = getattr(settings, "DATABASES", {}) database = databases.get("default", {}) _atomic = database.get("ATOMIC_REQUESTS", False) if _atomic: # wrap function in atomic wrapper func = transaction.atomic(func) @wraps(func) async def async_f(self: AsyncAPIConsumer, *args, **_kwargs): result, status = await database_sync_to_async(func)(self, *args, **_kwargs) return result, status async_f.action = True async_f.kwargs = kwargs async_f.__name__ = func.__name__ return async_f return decorator